RPD has a long history of preparing college graduates for dental and dental hygiene schools. Many former RPD team members that worked with us during their gap years went on to dental, dental hygiene, and other health professions/graduate schools. As clinical instructors at the University of Maryland School of Dentistry, Drs. Horng and Alshami have extensive teaching experience with dental students and pediatric dental residents. They are bringing a similar experience to our interns at RPD.
Interns can expect to have an in-depth look at the dental profession ranging from greeting patients, assisting with examinations, using practice management software, observing/assisting during dental procedures, and working in our dental lab. Many dental and dental hygiene programs require applicants to shadow in a dental office. Our internship and mentorship program will help you track these hours.
Interns that display exceptional skills may be offered part or full-time positions with RPD. Preference for job positions will be given to college graduates taking a gap year as they apply for dental or dental hygiene schools.